Hey Guys
How's it going? Thought I'd get a quick post in there before the year is out. I promise to work harder on my Wolves in the new year in fact it's on my list of things to do; bring my Space Wolf army up to 2000pts. I've also decided that 2010 is also going to be a year where Warhammer Fantasy Battles takes a bit of a back seat for me. Don't get me wrong still up for a game and the Bretonnians will be eager to meet anyone's challenge. But I feel that I need to focus on Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40,000 a bit more. Who know's Flames of War might get a work out too! But as a special New Years Treat I'm putting up a pic of the Ragnar Blackmane I made from various wolf bitz both new and old, my land speeder typhoon and the first of my objective markers "The Book of Sagas" and to you fellow wolfers out there I put out a bit of a challenge; to make your own book of sagas and like sagas this also comes with an oath. The oath being that the book of sagas objective must be captured at all costs! Even if it means abandoning another objective to capture it. You can suggest to your opponent to make it worth two objectives to add a bit of weight. But anyway just thought I'd put it out there.
So I hope you've enjoyed this year's postings and my hobby so far. Again comments and feedback are always welcome and I wish each and everyone of you (especially my fellow wolf brothers) a very happy new year filled with awesome games and kick ass hobby!